The Blunt Space


The Blunt Space Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation and media hub for art, advocacy, and culture. Our mission is to be a safe haven and provide resources to marginalized voices within the arts. We started as a group of artists who felt unheard, unseen, and without a place to be our authentic selves. What began as a small passion project quickly expanded to not just a space for inclusion, but a movement that combats the exclusionary practices of the artistic world. A movement of diverse artistic narratives finally being seen. A movement of creative voices challenging the status quo that has failed them time and time again. A movement that includes you, her, him, they, and us. Thus, The Blunt Space was born, a space where marginalized artists can have their voices heard and stories celebrated!


The Blunt Space Website

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See What The Blunt Space has to Offer

Melanated Melodies- February 11th
Blauthenticity Poetry Slam- March 5th
Real Loud Open Mic- E
very Third Friday, Starting March 17th

Online Blunt Space Initiatives

The purpose of these programs is to give marginalized artists a safe space to showcase their art on a large platform. Over the years, safe spaces have become popular however, these safe spaces often dilute the identity of the same communities it was designed to protect. We saw a need for “true safe spaces” with no censorship of one's identities and through these initiatives, we uplift, highlight, and assist artists who have been historically neglected.

Initiative 1: Serious Series

A monthly series dedicated to bringing awareness and social change. Every month we choose a theme that’s aligned with our pillars of art, advocacy, and culture. Throughout the month, we share art that matches this theme from seasoned artists. The art from each series gets released every Saturday of the month.

Initiative 2: New Sh!t Wednesdays

Designed to highlight amateur artists and help them grow their platforms. We also provide Artists' Profiles which are portfolios we create for artists to help them build their brand and take advantage of other opportunities. The art from this initiative gets released every Wednesday of the month.

Initiative 3: Live Thursdays

We interview different artists and community figures live on our social media platforms. We reflect on many topics revolving around advocacy, the community, and its relation to art because art imitates life. It also serves as a means of exposing artists in the area to individuals that can grant them opportunities in the future. We go live on our social media accounts every second Thursday of the month.

Initiative 4: Our Advocacy Posts.

These are intentional and highly informative social media posts on different, current events that are going on worldwide. We share resources and means to help advocate for marginalized voices around the world. These posts are released as information and events transpire.

Past Performances

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery- Blacqwildflowr

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery- Jamie Dawson

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery 2022- Faithe Franklin

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery - Legendary Miraj Ninja and Yummy Prodigy

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery- A special message from Jabari Thomas

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery 2022- Venus Bleu

Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery- Javen Jackson


Connect & Collect Performance Showcase and Night Gallery- Kay Three


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