Podcast Season 2 Ep. 7: See the Past, Preserved in the Present

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In this episode of the ARTS AXIS FLORIDA Podcast, you’ll hear from Monica Drake, the Operations Manager at Heritage Village on what Heritage Village is and their Historic preservation practices. Monica explains to us the importance of preserving the history in our local areas, ideas on how you can get involved and an explanation of how properly care for and move historic, antique pieces.


For more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/

For more information on the Henry B. Plant Museum, visit: http://www.plantmuseum.com/

For more information on Dr. Charles McGraw Groh, visit https://www.ut.edu/directory/mcgraw-groh-charles

For more information on the Henry B. Plant Museum’s latest exhibit “Stop the Presses! Fake News and the War of 1898,” visit: https://www.plantmuseum.com/exhibits/current-exhibits/stop-the-presses


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Art Axis Florida



Henry B. Plant Museum




Thank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation

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